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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Radio Arte offers FREE radio journalism courses, ages 15-21

Radio Arte offers FREE radio journalism courses, ages 15-21

I just wanted to let you know that 90.5 FM WRTE Radio Arte Chicago, the non-profit community radio station that I work for, is offering this year once again free radio broadcasting and journalism classes for youth 15-21 years old, with classes in English and Spanish. After the three month course students they are to form part of a Radio Arte production, Sin Papeles/Without Borders (immigration), Homofrecuencia (LGBTQ youth), First Voice/Primera Voz (social justice/ community/ first ammendment). They would also get the chance to submit a proposal for their own show...

Please foward the information to youth who may be interested. Again, the program is free, although there are some technichal equipment that is required, we have support for those who can't afford to. The application and more information at .

Thank you!

Tania Unzueta

Radio Arte’s First Voice/Primera Voz is looking for aspiring reporters, producers, and on-air personalities interested in using the airwaves to talk about a variety of social justice issues. Through a 10-week vocational and leadership training program, young adults 15-21, will engage in media literacy workshops that will teach participants to critically think about issues that affect their everyday lives (immigration, LGBT issues, women’s rights, education, etc), as well as learn how to produce socially conscious features and commentaries to be aired on 90.5fm Radio Arte. Upon completion of their training, participants will become involved in the day-to-day production of First Voice/Primera Voz/Homofrecuencia/Sin Papeles/Without Borders, and will be encouraged to enroll in advanced workshops that will introduce them to marketing, management, and programming.

Primera Voz/First Voice, un programa de Radio Arte transmitiendose de lunes a jueves de 6 a 7 pm, solicita reporteros, productores, y locutores interesados en utilizar nuestro medio de comunicación para promover temas relacionados con conciencia y justicia social. El programa de entrenamiento de Radio Arte invita a jóvenes entre las edades de 15 – 21 años a participar en el curso el cual tiene una duración de 10 semanas. Durante este periodo de entrenamiento vocacional así como de liderazgo, los participantes tomarán talleres de periodismo y radiodifusión en los cuales aprenderán a analizar información de una manera crítica, así motivando a los estudiantes a interesarse y reportar temas que los afectan día a día. Los participantes del entrenamiento aprenderán a redactar y producir cápsulas y segmentos, los cuales serán transmitidos a través de 90.5 fm Radio Arte. Al culminar este entrenamiento, los participantes colaborarán en la producción en alguno de los siguientes programas: First Voice, Primera Voz, Homofrecuencia, Sin Papeles, y Without Borders, así como también tendrán la oportunidad de tomar cursos avanzados de mercadotecnía, administración, y programación


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