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Friday, August 31, 2007

Thompson to run for president

Thompson to run for president
Copyright by The Associated Press
August 31, 2007

DES MOINES, Iowa -- Republican Fred Thompson will officially launch his presidential bid Sept. 6.
''I believe that there are millions of Americans who know that our security and prosperity are at risk if we don't address the challenges of our time; the global threat of terrorism; taxes and spending that will bankrupt future generations, and a government that can't seem to get the most basic responsibilities right for its citizens,'' the former Tennessee senator and ''Law & Order'' actor said in a statement Thursday.

Thompson, 65, is vying to be seen as the most consistent mainstream conservative in the race.

Thompson brings to the eight-man GOP field a right-leaning Senate voting record with a few digressions from GOP orthodoxy and a healthy dose of Hollywood star power.

Earlier this year, Thompson saw his popularity soar in polls when he acknowledged he was considering a run.


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